What's the CatDog one a reference to?
What's the CatDog one a reference to?
So this is what he's been doing for the past three decades now?
Great work at making this look so old, really want to ask for some pointers in the future, if that's okay?
Dude, this looks really incredible, really like how this and your Tails piece came out
Love seeing her so much
Great job replicating Uekawa's artstyle, mang
that's what happens when i centered 50% of my artistic philosophy around sonic lmao
Would love to see an animated series with these designs
Great work as always, Cello
24. Freelance Artist/Video Editor. Bitter Asshole. Amateur Graphic Designer. Currently Creating a Comic. Everyone's A Hypocrite.
Working on Whatever
SNHU (Bachelor's)
Your Mom
Joined on 1/22/21